Pine & Paper Planners / Stationery
[ PROFESSOR: Doug May | CLASS: Advanced Campaigns | YEAR: 2020]
The assignment was to concept, design, and execute an idea as if we were starting our own small business. I consider myself very organized, and use a planner religiously, so my concept was an entire stationery system that revolves around subscription refills and extreme customizability. I designed and fabricated these wood covers through laser cutting and a technique called a "living hinge" which allows wood to bend easily without losing too much durability. The copywriting was one of my favorite parts, as the taglines almost wrote themselves. The design called for the themes of nature, harmony, liveliness, and modernity, and that's where I drew inspiration for typefaces, patterns, and colors. I got to stretch my illustrating muscles with the foliage pattern, as well. I kept the prototype and still use it to this day, I'm very thrilled to have created a completely functional, conceptually sound, physical system. 

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